Welcome to Scouts Canada’s Policies, Standards and Procedures. Collectively, these instructions provide the ‘rules and regulations’ of Scouting. They are written to provide clear and specific support for Scouting in all its dimensions—whatever your role or your situation. Our Policies and Standards provide you with ‘what you need to know’, and in many instances specify ‘what you need to do’. Our Procedures describe ‘how you need to do it’ and the minimum requirements for safety or program quality. You will find links to helpful guidelines and templates to make it as easy as possible to comply with Scouts Canada’s requirements, as well as practical examples of how others have effectively put our Policies, Standards and Procedures into practice.
The expectations and requirements you will find on this site represent the cumulative wisdom of thousands of Scouters and their years of experience. Every Policy, Standard, Procedure and guideline directly reflects a great deal of practical expertise and a rich understanding of Scouting. The practices described on this site are intended to make Scouting as safe, straightforward and rewarding as possible.
All of our Policies, Standards and Procedures can now be navigated through an improved online experience. You can search these documents according to your role and situation, so that you can more easily find out exactly what you need to know.
Our Policies, Standards and Procedures have steadily improved over the years, and we are committed to making these important documents even stronger in the future. We look forward to your valuable feedback on any proposed changes and additions, and you will have the opportunity to contribute your thoughts through this website.